Ready for a Ho-Down : )

The Facts
Fabric:Turquoise and brown cotton plaid from stash
Pattern: Top – Advance 6609; Skirt self “drafted” Notions: 5 buttons, waistband interfacing from stash, 55 yards of rick-rack and trim and counting Year: 1950′s Patio or Squaw dress inspired
Time to complete: 8+ hours over 8 years
First worn: October 2012
Wear again? YES!! And for a very special event : )

Total Cost: Free for fabric, $32.00 for trims and counting…

I have a secret to confess – for about 10 minutes back in the late 70′s/early 80′s I had a crush on just about any guy who wore cowboy boots : ) It all started with John Travolta in “Urban Cowboy”, when we first see him clean shaven at the bar in Gilley’s. Remember this?

I learned the basics of line dancing, bought a pair of JC Penney grey suede cowboy boots and a couple of plaid shirts and I thought I was the BOMB! I really wanted to be Pam but was more like Sissy, I just couldn’t get away with wearing a tank top with no bra : ) Years later I watched that movie with my daughter and had a “Really?” moment. But it was all good fun and I will gladly watch a chopped up version of “Urban Cowboy” over most weekend afternoon offerings.

When I saw “Western” in the list of challenges I KNEW I had to pull out the outfit I started about 8 years ago. I meant to make this for a Bobwhite party but only got as far as stitching the skirt panels together. My original idea was to make mother/daughter matching outfits so I have at least another 5 or 6 yards of this fabric, maybe more. When I saw Laura in her “I Heart Shakespeare” dress I laughed out loud because it looks like she fell for the loveliness of this plaid as well! I could have sent her additional yardage she needed for her outfit had I only known….

So out came the parts and pieces. I used a LOT of fabric in this skirt, around 4 1/2 yards. The top section is 2 full widths of 45″ fabric, so that’s 90″ gathered around my waist. Attached to that are 4 full sections of fabric, and the bottom layer is 8 full sections of fabric. The top section is 9″ finished, the middle section 10″ and the bottom 11″, so the finished length of the skirt is 30″. Easy to cut, easy to sew but gathering takes a while. Watch a movie as you gather and pin : )

The whole beauty of these outfits lies in the trim. Just google “Patio dresses” or “Squaw dresses” and you’ll see what I mean. Sew Weekly’s own Debi Fry made a Squaw dress last year and included links for the history of the outfit. I decided against the v-neck trim. I want to wear this blouse without the skirt, might even wear it to work this week…and I’m not a huge fan of rick rack in the real world. I was going to use my favorite shirt pattern but I think it’s here:

Puppies and patterns…

Puppies found a box in the bookcase, pulled it out and discovered patterns. I’m sure they were amused for HOURS, and truthfully I haven’t gone through the parts and pieces yet to figure out what I’ve lost and what is salvageable. I’m fairly certain my favorite patterns (blouse, skirt, pants) were stored where I could quickly and easily find them. Yep, in the box. And the best part of the pile is that whatever I find probably won’t have printing on it, most of my favorites were old enough that they just had the punched holes. It will be quite an “All the kings horses and all the kings men…” type afternoon when I finally sift through the remains : )

So I found Advance 6609 in my collection and decided to give it a whirl. I just needed a basic shirt and it looked basic so why not?

I think it worked out great! I cut about 1 1/2″ off the sleeve length and cut the sleeve bands on the bias. The shirt might have taken 2 hours from cutting out to sewing buttons on. The skirt, however, took HOURS. Since the basic construction was done all I had to do was put the waistband on (15 minutes) and then the trim.

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Ah, the trim…

For weeks now I’ve been haunting Joann’s. I’ve been to EVERY SINGLE STORE in my county. At first I wanted gold rick rack. Well, what I REALLY wanted was copper colored rick rack but it is stupidly expensive IF and WHEN you can find it so that was out. The I thought I’d use the old gold color. Hah! The most any store had at any given time was two 2 1/2 yard packages. I didn’t have the 4-6 weeks to special order it so I tried to find the 30 or so yards I’d need to get things going. I finally gave up mid week and switched to brown and bought out three stores worth but couldn’t get even 10 yards of the wider brown. I tried for a turquoise to match but that too was a no go. In desperation I bought all 4 spools of brown with turquoise polka-dot ribbon I could find and called it good. The top panel has one row of small brown rick rack, the middle section two rows and the bottom section two rows with the ribbon in between. EVENTUALLY I want to add larger brown and some turquoise rick rack but at least this way I’ve got the outfit wearable and recognizable. It’s not quite “Little House on the Prairie” but close…

As with all good projects when you stop looking for something so desperately it just shows up so I’m going to relax and see what comes my way : )

The day was FABULOUS as my daughter and I set out for the Howe Homestead Park to take photos. Jim Howe was a local resident and one of the first well-known AP world correspondents. He and his wife Mia lived here from 1910 to 1970. Now owned by the city the house and out buildings have been preserved and restored so it looks much like it did in the 1930′s. We took advantage of some of the farm equipment for today’s shoot.

My daughter thought I should show off my little cowboy hat. It makes me smile : ) I kept humming “You have a friend in me” from ‘Toy Story’ because this is a Woody hat. I pulled out the white trim, added my own turquoise and voila! I tied a piece of ribbon I was going to add to the skirt trims, until I realized it just blended in, around the brim. The cowboy boots are real, I bought them waaaayyy back in the late 80′s at a vintage store that didn’t realize they could have gotten at least $100 for a pair of used black leather boots. I paid $10. The ‘uniform’ of the day in LA was black jeans, white t-shirt and black cowboy boots and I used to wear them to music video auditions : ) I asked my girlfriend who is a REAL cowgirl if I shouldn’t have brown boots to go with my brown belt and accessories and I got a resounding “NO!”

This is the other “ultimate” accessory to a good Western outfit!

I am quite pleased with the way everything came together. I managed to EXACTLY match the plaid down the center front:

I actually pulled the plaid off just a little so you could see it really is the center front that buttons : )

We tried doing the ‘skirt-spread-out-in-a-big-circle-on-the-ground’ shot that seemed to be ubiquitous. It didn’t work out so well so we did a standing shot –

That sucker is a FULL 30 feet around! And look what I found just before we left the flea market this morning:

Three packages of vintage turquoise rick rack. I have enough for the top two tiers of the skirt. I didn’t have time to sew it on before photos today but I will soon because…

I have an actual event to wear this!! One of my favorite rescues is having a Ho-Down in a few weeks.

BAD RAP is celebrating the five year anniversary of bringing home some of the dogs seized in the Michael Vick case. One of the items on my bucket list is to meet some of these guys (I missed my chance to meet Leo, he died from a seizure disorder last year) like Teddles, Uba, Zippy, Jonny Justice, Amazing Grace and Audie!! They’ll be there to shake paws, maybe take some photos and party the night away. We’ve been told that “This isn’t a sit-on-the-sidelines kind of party, so come prepared to get on the dance floor and make some history of your own.” I plan on wearing my outfit, hat and all, to dance and smile the night away!

As one of my nice neighbors said “We take the easy cases, you take the tough ones. Thank you.” It’s been a much better week : )

And I made the top Featured this week!

Six dollars for sweaters!

I’m in the Featured section : )

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The Facts

Fabric: Sweaters from stash, bought 3 new for this project at $2 each
Pattern: My own but inspired by Katwise
Notions: 2 mondo brass hooks
Year: Contemporary
Time to complete: About 5 hours First worn: September 2012
Wear again? Yes, when the weather calms down.

Total Cost: $6

Do you ever have some weeks where you really have to think, think, think about the challenge? Where it takes SO MUCH THOUGHT to just come up with one idea? That was not this week : ) I had SO MUCH STUFF to pick from that I almost cursed the over-abundance of ideas. I was drawn back to Katwise for several reasons:

1) I still haven’t cleaned up my mess from the last project.

2) I am making a couple of these coats as presents for Ariel and Elora, my little twin friends. Ari is the one with cancer, Elora is the one that my daughter took photos of shaving her head at St. Baldrick’s this year that won her the photo prize at the Marin County Fair.  I am in full-on sweater mode and that makes me happy and there isn’t quite enough “happy” right now.

3) The last couple weeks the weather has been cool, especially in the mornings. I thought we were into fall. Ha!

So I started with the pile in my living room. I loved the greys I didn’t use in the last coat and was really wanting to do something with the grey cashmere that Stuart kitty fell in love with. I had a purple wool sweater that someone gave me because they had smeared something on it they couldn’t remove.

My gain : ) I also had a grey wool sweater that I got at the last swap that was beautiful except for these:

So far we’re up to free. I called to take Elora shopping last Monday, when all clothing at Salvation Army is $2. She had been grounded (!?!) for texting a boy too much so I had to go it alone. It’s tough being 14…

I found the lovely dark purple sweater along with another medium grey wool/silk blend and a cotton light grey. Just as I was throwing everything into the washing machine I spied a grey floral-printed  wool sweater that I had set aside from another swap, I was wanting to replace the buttons and cut it down to a cardigan but what the heck, it joined the party!

Then I cut strips. The toughest part for me is cutting into these guys, I don’t know why. I once did a project for a friend of mine who did very high end wall coverings for very wealthy clients in the City. He brought me a bolt of Fortuny fabric to cut into panels and stitch together and that stuff was $1,000.00 per meter. No, I didn’t put the comma or period in the wrong spots. One thousand dollars. A meter. And the bolt had 100 meters on it. It was worth more than my house.

I cut into IT just fine so I’m not sure what my problem was this week.

The inspiration piece (above) was a garment Kat made to auction off, a fellow artisan by the name of Chopstix died suddenly of a brain aneurysm and Kat was trying to help the family raise money to settle the estate. Had I felt wealthier I would have been tempted to bid on it, it sold for the price of a meter of Fortuny fabric.

Then I found this pic –

  In the end it really took about an hour to cut and sew the dress together, another couple to futz with the hood/cowel. I fussed over what band goes where more than I’d like to admit. I wanted the center purple band to define the waist and I’ll probably cut it off the dress, shorten the grey top and put it back on, I think its a little long.

I made a pretty cha-cha belt loosely based on an obi design. Of course I had this idea around 9pm Saturday night and I had set things up with my daughter to take pics first thing Sunday morning. For some reason I just didn’t want to pull out my sewing machine. Nothing is set up any more since puppies have the sewing room so hauling the thing out, finding the cords…ugh… I made the belt from a sleeve of each of the purple sweaters and just overlocked everything together. I didn’t mind hand stitching on the huge hooks I had in my drawer and was done around 9:45. I put everything on the mannequin, stood back and frowned. I didn’t care for the hood/capelet. I don’t know why. I played around briefly with another idea until the rational part of my brain said “This isn’t important, it looks fine. Go to bed.” I went.

Sunday morning we were all up early. As I was walking mama Chloe at 7 am my next door neighbor, who has not spoken to us in at least 9 years, opened her door and was passive/aggressive mean. Generally this kind of thing doesn’t throw me but I didn’t have my emotional Wonder Woman bracelets on. It was unexpected. Walking my other dog I just sat in front of the library downtown and cried. I came home and tried to put my make-up on. After my eyeliner washed down my face for the THIRD time I finally got it together and my daughter called “Are you going to be here soon? The fog is burning off”.

I pulled my outfit on, threw the rest of the makeup on, didn’t care about my hair and jammed. I wanted fog – big swirly cold blasts of it. Let me let you in on a little secret if you plan on visiting the Bay Area. Don’t come in the summer. Late September through mid-November is when weather in the City rocks. By 9am there not only wasn’t any fog but standing in the sun was H O T. Which means that by the time I’m typing this it is over 100 at home.

I’m a little warm, I’m a little unhappy. At least I stopped crying and my daughter did manage to tell a series of silly jokes that made me feel better.

But I’m afraid this is about as good as it got in the smile department. I really like the dress and in a few weeks it may be one of the best things in my wardrobe : )

These “benches” area actually HUGE trees that were cut down and left along Grizzly Peak. Someone cut out some seating for this view:

No fog : ) Well, there’s a little left at the coast but this, ladies, is Berkeley, the Bay Bridge and San Francisco, all at your feet. The ground drops off about 6 feet away from this bench/log, almost straight down into poison oak. My camera lens is nothing special so we couldn’t get a wide shot with the Golden Gate bridge but if it’s this clear it means it is WARM.

On our way home we decided to hit Bittersweet, a shop that practically guarantees you’ll feel better. Chocolate, they specialize in chocolate. Hot, cold, sticky, gooey, wonderful chocolate. Brittany discovered their Thai Iced Tea with chocolate, I indulged in a Coconut Chill. A little bit of heaven in a glass.

Happy girl : )

Can you believe we only have 12 challenges left?

 This was an odd week, a mixture of good and WTH. A little while back my friend Barbara Galla died. She was a local costumer who became a great friend and a second grandma to my daughter. She had a sizable collection that her daughter needs help with so I’m assisting in the “liquidation” of her estate. It will probably take us a year to go through everything and I was shocked and delighted to find some very special pieces I had built for a former employer in her stash! They’ll be coming home with me : )

I also spent some time with Ariel and took her twin sister, Elora, shopping for sweaters since I’m going to be making them Katwise coats! Ari is stage 4 and terminal in her cancer battle, I’m not sure how much time I have but it keeps me going when it’s over 100 degrees out and I’m tired.

All of that is good. Here’s the WTH part-

We live in a pretty nice little town. Our house was built in 1925, added onto a few years later and sits on half of the original land grant. The property was split in half in the 50’s and another house was built for the son of the family and his new wife. They had two kids, the grandparents died in 1971 and 72, the wife divorced the son and he tried to manage both properties. He died a few years later and the houses were sold, my landlords buying this one. They originally bought the property with the intention of tearing the little house down and building a 4-unit apartment complex. They never did anything, not even fix up the obvious flaws that made this one a steal to begin with. At some point the wiring was updated from peg-and-post to Romex but it can still be a little iffy : ) If I had the money I’d buy it in a heartbeat but I don’t.

The house next door was bought by a lesbian couple in the late 90’s. Both seemed nice, Carol had some “issues” and stayed at home while Sharon had the power job. A few years pass, when there was “something amiss” in the neighborhood you can bet Carol was at the forefront of NIMBY. Some of the causes were justified – the kids that lived across the street and sold drugs at weekly parties…not so good. The other neighbors twenty-something cousins that would house sit, bar-b-que and hot tub until the wee hours…just not the biggest deal.

Years ago my daughter adopted a little Cairin terrier, a toto dog. He was a yipper and rather unpleasant. He was old when she adopted him so we did our best until he died. If he was outside barking and Carol was in a “mood” I’d get an email. Not a phone call, an email. I tried to stay “neighborly” and encouraged her, via email, to use the PHONE if the issue was pressing, as everything in Carol’s life seems pressing. Never a phone call. The last email I exchanged with her was almost 10 years ago, when my husband moved in, to let her know the “new guy” in the neighborhood was “ok”. Since then I’ve seen Sharon around town a couple of times but that’s it.

In the intervening years my daughter became quite sick. At one point I was told to accept the fact that I’d probably bury my daughter. There were times we had to call an ambulance for assistance. There were times I was in tears in the backyard. Did we hear anything from them? No. (Is my daughter better now? Yes : ) But there are days that are a struggle)

We have dogs, chickens, cats, bunnies…heard nothing from them. I figure no news is good news. If she has an issue she can walk her behind 100 feet down the street and knock on the door. In 2008 my husband was diagnosed with cancer. He got sick fast and it was dreadful. There were people coming and going, the occasional ambulance or two and a LOT more crying on the phone in the back yard at night when I could have some privacy and talk. Nothing from next door. It was like they didn’t exist.

At one point we had a nurse, a speech therapist and a physical therapist coming to the house. Our neighbors across and up the street knew exactly what was going on because he would see me out walking the dog, or crying, and ask how I was. He told me if I ever needed help with Jim to just ask. Tears of gratitude because that’s how a decent human being acts. Our nurses and therapists got notes on their cars asking not to park in front of Carol’s house. So not cool…

This Sunday I had plans to do the Sew Weekly photos with my daughter first thing in the morning. We were going to drive up into the Berkely hills in search of fog so I got up at 6, started feeding the animals and walking the dogs. I took mama Chloe across the street, as is our custom, and then up. As we came down I hear Carol’s door open and she calls my name. “Do you have a puppy?” she asks. No hello, just the question. “Yes, we’re fostering a mom and her puppies”.

“I can hear whining and crying. Are they leaving soon?”

“Yes they are, I’ll close the window.”

And that’s it. Not terrible, not great but here’s my problem with her. NOTHING in almost 10 years but passive/aggressive notes to people helping us out. This from a couple that asked me to LIE to the Chinese government when they adopted their baby girl because if Chinese officials found out they were giving one of their kids to a lesbian couple they’d be denied and the child taken away.

You’d think you’d be nicer to the people you’d asked to commit a felony to a foreign government.

There are a lot of great people in my life. Many of my friends, when I told them this story, were appalled. I got all sorts of helpful “Say this” suggestions : ) There is also a group of people that were once in my life that I’ve found to be toxic, including a sizable set of relatives, that I have no contact with. Carol is in the latter group but she’s a little different in her tactics. She’ll find some way to escalate things because that’s how her illness manifests itself. My vet has told me not to worry, the animals are all in great shape so if animal services shows up I’ll have no problems. Carol might try to contact my landlords but since I don’t even have a phone number for them I’d be surprised and impressed if she does. I’m curious to see what she comes up with but can’t give her any more time in my head. What I’d really LIKE to see is her break her record of not speaking to us, see if we can go a full decade this time : )

We don’t walk up the street any more. I’m trying to think of the perfect 25-words-or-less thing to say to her should she crack her front door again. Nothing yet. Here, however, is the longer version:

“Carol – the dog you saw the other day? Her name is Chloe. She was stolen from her family three years ago and recently turned up at a high-kill shelter in Merced. She was probably stolen by dog fighters and bred continuously. She was a skeleton when found, she had given everything she had to her eight puppies. She was also going to be killed within a few days if a rescue didn’t step up. A rescue DID step up, but they needed a safe foster haven. I volunteered. We took 9 dogs into our home to love, protect and raise until the puppies were ready to go to their new foster homes in pairs. We’ll work with mom, getting her healthy and trained so that she’ll find a wonderful forever home.

Could you slide the needle into her leg and kill her? How about the eight puppies? Because that was the plan. Just kill them all, they’re taking up too much space. Is your heart that black?

So they’re here for a few weeks. Yes, they yip and tussle, they’re PUPPIES. Most people find their little noises inoffensive, maybe even cute. I’m sorry they make noise as I get on my bike to ride to BART at 6 am to go to work. It’s the best I can do. I don’t have the luxury of a partner with a good enough job so that I can stay home and marinate in my issues. Your moods have been known to control the entire neighborhood but I don’t play that game.

In the last 18 months I’ve saved 10 dogs, 2 rabbits and 2 chickens. In addition I’ve buried 1 dog, 1 chicken and 5 cats. The cats died after a rescue dumped leukemia-infected kittens on my property because THEY couldn’t do the right thing and they in turn infected MY cats. It took 10 years for us to catch every cat in the local feral cat colony and get them fixed, all paid for out of MY pocket. Several other neighbors offered to help with spay/neuter costs, where were you? Every cat that has died has had food, love and shelter. I held them as they died and told them they were wonderful and that I’d never forget them.

We both walk multiple dogs multiple times a day. Jim’s chemo brain is so significant it’s like a TBI. If he forgets something, like trimming the branches out by the stop sign, was it you who called the city to complain? Again, you could always knock on the door…

I hope you have a happy life. We all have karma. I wish you luck with yours.”

So far so good but Carol is like cancer. She’s in “remission” right now but we just never know what’s going to start her “growing” again. In the meantime, in an effort to find assistance and form a plan for “just in case” I’ve received the most amazing book. In the short term has changed my outlook and it may end up changing my life. I’ll share more in a bit : )

Blue…and puppies : )

Before I get to the “regular” post I thought I’d throw in a puppy pic –

This is my daughter playing down in the puppy pile : ) You can only see two of the eight.

This weeks Sew Weekly challenge was to make something Blue. I had the perfect project just waiting to be finished, all stuffed into a bag, in the closet, in the puppy room…

My husband and I spent the better part of the weekend fixing one area of our yard so mama Chloe and the puppies could be outside together during the day since cooping them up in my sewing room is becoming less and less of a good idea. Chloe is getting tired of puppies hanging on her, chewing on her and just generally being puppies. I get it, as much as I loved my daughter I needed little breaks every now and then when she was small and there was only ONE of her!

So we pulled out fencing panels, chicken wire and hardware cloth. We cleared areas of questionable wood and leaves and finally, on Sunday afternoon around 4 pm…were able to pass puppies through the sewing/puppy room window into the big bad world. I have a twin bed out there, perfect to read or nap on during the summer, perfect for mama to jump up on to get away from hyper puppies.

Only then could I move into the room again, clean off my “sewing” table and get set up for this weeks photo shoot. Here are the details of what was on that table:

Vintage ledger in the background, pen holder in red! and a calendar/postage meter. Postage meter? Yes…

You place the envelope in the slot and the quarter dial on the right tells you how much it weighs : ) Old school technology…

The little guy holds your mail in his coils.

VIntage clock, lamp with pen holders and receipt holder, all courtesy of Sue’s collection!

The old Royal typewriter and yes, it still works.

Address book!

And finally, a vintage address “book”. The small red bakelite tab up near the top can be set to any letter and when you press the red bakelite button at the bottom it magically opens to that page! I LOVE these things : )

SO Sunday evening, as the sun started to set, I finally had on make-up, my thick hair up (went through the whole course of hair loss treatment from Dr. William Yates MD) and dress on sans hem. That’s right, no hem. Didn’t have time and ran out of energy.

As soon as I had enough pics to choose from I took off the dress, pulled on a t-shirt and started scrubbing the floors to get ready to bring puppies back in. WHeW! We did it, but I was dripping in sweat the whole time and am amazed that, without my daughter, I got several good pics.

And yes, that IS a leopard-covered office chair in the back : )

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The Facts

Fabric: Blue and white linen from stash, blue poly lining
Pattern: I have absolutely no idea
Notions: 1 zipper, 8 buttons
Year: 1960′s Mad Men inspired
Time to complete: About 4 hours
First worn: September 2012
Wear again? Oh yes!
Total Cost: Free but I think I spent about $18 at some point

This was my runner-up idea for the Mad Men challenge earlier this year. If things didn’t work out with the Pucci print I would have gone with this. Too bad this UFO is also Blue : )

Nothing about this dress was straightforward and it really should have been. I can’t remember what pattern I used for the top. Seriously, I looked through many, MANY boxes and bags trying to find that sucker but no…. I *think* the skirt was from Simplicity 2549 that I used for the Make this look challenge. I have a vague memory of cutting it out but extending the top of the skirt up to compensate for the waistband that pattern uses. I made my own white bias out of a poly linen-like fabric and used my handy bias-tape maker to ensure even width : )

The entire dress is lined so I don’t have to worry about a slip and it helps keep the linen from getting “as” wrinkled. I just like the feel of a nicely lined dress! Here’s my other vague memory of this dress – needing to wear both a spanx AND the tall hose to fit into it. And hold my breath. But now… a few months later, I fit into it just fine : )

Unlike Joan’s dress I did NOT do that little center front neckline piece. I just didn’t care for that design element for me. I don’t like fussy and it felt fussy but that’s the joy of making your own clothing, you do it how you like. I originally stitched the white bias on the skirt closer to the center front and was going to put the buttons on the outside but I don’t remember why. In the end I moved the bias and stitched on the buttons on the inside and then I almost forgot about the bow : )

My daughter was in Yosemite this weekend and unavailable for photography duties so I used the timed setting on my camera. Ordinarily a good idea, this shoot was fraught with timing issues and heat! I’m using the sewing table in my sewing room which normally isn’t a big deal EXCEPT my sewing room was taken over by mama Chloe and her eight puppies a few weeks ago. To pull this off we had to do some major yard remodeling so the family would be separate from the rest of our animals. You can “almost” see the scratches on my arms from wrestling fence panels and chicken wire… It took us all weekend to get part of the yard safe for everybody, get them moved out, get the room re-styled and then me fixed up. Without my daughters help my hair wasn’t as Joan-y as it could have been, and there was no one around to say “stand up straighter, tilt your head this way, suck in your stomach” etc. I felt a little lost.

When I did this series of shots I started out sitting up very tall and as the camera clicked away I got lower and shorter…I was also utterly exhausted, pretty dirty (you can’t see my feet!) and running like crazy to finish everything before dark.

In the end I really liked this dress ( TOTAL HONESTY – it still isn’t hemmed!) and I can actually ride my bike in it!! It’s comfy and makes me feel good. Now if I could only find that darn top pattern I could make a couple more….

Polka dotted love!

The Facts Fabric: Turquoise Silk and black net with polka dots from stash

Pattern: McCalls 3858

Notions: 1 zipper

Year: 1950′s

Time to complete: About 5 hours

First worn: September 2012

Wear again? Probably, at Christmas

Total Cost: Free

This week was all about those decisions we make to balance out what we “need” to do and what we “want” to do. I “needed” to do nothing for three days after Gatsby, I “wanted” to play with puppies. I spent a lot of time letting puppies roll around in my lap, chew on my sandals and just be puppies. Around Wednesday I finally looked through my fabrics for appropriate dotty-love and found the black netting with flocked dots. Ohhhh… over just about anything is tons of fun : ) I dug through the shelves in my closet and pulled out a pile of silks. I have plans for everything in that pile, really I do. Really…
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I decided I liked the turquoise the best. The entire process making this dress, from cut out to stitching up, was done in increments around walking dogs, playing with puppies and having to do that work thing. I didn’t have any issues with the pattern but I will admit to reading not a single word of the directions! I do know that there is a midriff lining that I just didn’t have time for, it came down to staying up really late when I was really, really tired or doing the lining. Sleep won, no lining BUT I have every intention of retro-fitting one. Here’s my other reason for “being lazy” – in between walking dogs, biking to work and all life has to offer, I’m also going to play around with Weight Watchers online. I *may* have to take the dress in not too much further down the road : ) At least that’s the plan but since I’ve stated it in a very public way I can’t not do anything, right?

The only thing I changed was I put the center front panels on the fold rather than cutting two. There ‘should’ be eight panels to the skirt, mine has seven. It just seemed silly especially when I wanted to make sure the dots all lined up down the center front! There are 4 darts in the skirt as well as 6 in the top. One of these days I’m going to add up the number of darts I’ve sewn this year, I think many of my patterns are dart-heavy : )

I also lengthened the bodice, I wanted that seam below the girls, not cutting across them. Once again, fitting things on myself worked out only fairly well. Now that I see the pics I think I’ll take the bodice and skirt apart, trim a little off the bottom of the top, a little off the top of the bottom and add the midriff lining : ) Make sense? I also discovered one of the basic bras I wear on the weekend is REALLY unflattering on me! I wasn’t feeling so great about this dress until I put it on sans bra and voila! Everyone was in the right place, nothing was askew, I felt SO much better about myself : )

My daughter and I headed out to do photos…

The sun was going down and it was windy.

More than once I found myself channeling Marilyn and had to keep my skirt down!

 You can also see my cha-cha Yves Saint Laurent shoes I found at the flea market for five dollars : )

Because there weren’t enough polka dots on the dress I made sure to bring along my polka dot bracelets.

They were a dollar a piece at the flea market. Polka dots and glitter for a buck, how could I pass them up?

 But here is the ultimate polka-dotty accessory: Little polka-dotty pibble puppy : )

We’re fostering mama Chloe and her eight puppies and this is why I’m so distracted. But it’s a pretty good way to be distracted I think.

The Gatsby picnic 2012


I made the Featured section, whoo hoo!!!

The Facts
Fabric: 2 1/2 yards cotton from Stone Mountain & Daughter
Pattern: Anne Adams 2327
Notions: Modern poly zipper, belting, bakelite buckle from stash, 4 buttons
Year: 1930’s
Time to complete: About 4 hours
First worn: September 2012
Wear again? Probably

Total Cost: ~ 12.00

I’m not even sure where to begin : )

For those of you who may not (yet/still) know I did a tablesetting blog last year. A friend and I have WAY too many vintage dish sets, tablecloths, etc. etc. etc. that we decided the ONLY way to do our collections justice was to bring everything out at least once, make a fabulous setting with it and document it. Last year we were at day eighty-four when we did Gatsby, I planned for WEEKS and cooked and sewed for days. I like what we pulled off and vowed to do better this year, possibly even taking home the small picnic set-up prize.

I don’t know about you but I’m a theme girl. I LOVE themes. So when Angie and I started talking about going to Gatsby, in a moment of sheer brilliance, she said “Why not do an election year since this is an election year?” Perfect! We chose 1936 because of the similarities to the financial and political climate today. It also meant we could dress in cotton or rayon, be comfy and still be fabulous.

Once we had the election theme the rest was as simple as walking around my house and yard, pulling cheerful, vintage red, white and blue items. We hit Stone Mountain a couple of weeks ago and the only reason I mentioned the amount of yardage I bought was I got the end of the bolt. I LOVE this print and thought it perfect for our patriotic theme. Both Angie and I wanted a rayon print but there are very few of them at any fabric store so we settled on nice cottons. I knew I wouldn’t be able to do one of the lovely flowing hem dresses but since we were channeling simple women surviving the depression it would work out.

In between menu planning, props pulling and playing with puppies we sewed. More accurately, I cut my dress out, Angie sewed. We spent the entire day Saturday getting things together, making Mock Apple Pie, Pineapple Upside Down Cake and Motor Loaves. I thought we’d be done with everything, dresses included, by 6 or 7. I think Angie packed up at 10.

I used my Anne Adams pattern for the top, I certainly didn’t have enough to do the lovely inset panels on the skirt with pleats so I used Vogue 8812 from my Vacation dress. Once again, and I knew this ahead of time, I frankensteined the back pieces. Joy of joys, I put the top on for a preliminary fitting about 7:00 Saturday night and Angie says “It doesn’t meet”. What do you mean it doesn’t meet?? “It’s about 4″ too small across the back”. Oh no… I had a handful of scraps left and was able to get enough to fix the upper back, I had somehow cut the lower back pieces just fine but had a brain fart while cutting the upper pieces. Two hours and a lot of sweat later we were putting hems in. Oh, and I threw a long zipper up the center back of this sucker since I loath side zippers and struggling to get in and out of my clothing. From the moans and groans from the other women in the restroom I’m glad I did.

The next morning I was up at 4 am. Not because I set an alarm but I couldn’t sleep. My neighbors, who already suspect I’m the local crazy cat/dog/chicken lady, didn’t seem to be upset that I’m moving furniture and boxes and walking a dog in my robe at 5am : ) We got the car loaded by 9:30, got in line for early admission and then spent a frantic hour and a half unloading and setting up our “picnic site”. I knew from last year the judges came around before the gates open at 1, and it really helps to be set up AND dressed BEFORE they see you. I think we had 5 minutes to spare. I had also managed to work up a sweat so my hair was dripping wet and half my makeup was already in my cleavage BUT just as we’re trying to figure out the instructions for judging the fabulous Mena shows up, followed by one of the judges!

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I was asked about our set-up, the theme, what was vintage (umm….all of it!), what our food choices were and why (I’ll put more details on both my blogs – loransworld and retrodecosettings), why we chose out outfits, what was the book in my hand? (a Judy Bolton that had my cell phone hiding in its pages) and how many times we had done the Gatsby picnic (this was my second time). She kept saying how much she liked everything, that we were very much in the running, they had a photographer taking lots of pictures, it was all quite exciting. Later she brought by the other judge who didn’t seem to be as enthusiastic but we were hopeful.

In the meantime we ate, we people watched and we were treated to a medley of ukelele hits by Joe, Mena’s guy : ) When Angie shouted out “Play Stairway to Heaven…Freebird!” He DID. On a ukelele. Amazing. We tried to convince him to make his own youtube channel playing the ukelele. You never know….

Aren’t they adorable?!

One of the best things about Gatsby are the cars. This is me and Angie. I wore the same hat I had for the July Fourth challenge because it has cherries on it. My one regret of the dress and this pattern is that its NOT a rayon, the sleeves are a little stiff, I look like I have wings. But once my hair dried I was good for the day : ) Last year I wore a silk chiffon dress, garter belt and stockings and satin shoes and I was dripping all day. I also had a broken foot so I limped beautifully. I figured this year was a major win with nothing broken, although I have a bruise on my leg that is going to be very pretty in a few days…

And we didn’t win : (

Ah well…we couldn’t find the winners so we have to wait to see if we recognize photos on the Gatsby website. And wouldn’t you know it? I didn’t get that many pictures of the set-up! Mena actually has the best one of the table before we ate so I thank Joe for his attentiveness to his surroundings : )

Angie in her gorgeous dress complete with bakelite pin and bracelets.

And me : )

If you look at Mena’s first picture you can see my blue bike in the background. Yes, I brought my bike that I rode in the July Fourth challenge to ride around the grounds : ) It was a lot of fun hanging with Mena and Joe. I was so tired when I finally got home and unpacked that I vowed never to do this again. Give me some time to rest, you never know….

The lovely Mena of the Sew Weekly

Our gorgeous table with the Motor loaves showing under the napkin

What you see here is a Mock Apple pie and our Motor loaves. The Mock Apple pie is a “back of the box” recipe made with Ritz crackers. There isn’t a SINGLE apple in it which is ironic since Sue’s apple trees are practically throwing their ripe apples at us a la “The Wizard of Oz”. What we “think” of when it comes to apple pie is a texture and some cinnamon. The crackers mimic the texture of the apples while a simple syrup with lemon juice and lemon peel give it some tang. Sprinkled with cinnamon you can’t tell the difference! I taste tested this not only on a group of teenagers but at one of our Bob White parties one year. It tends to freak people out just a little…

The Motor loaves were something I had at a Tea room last year. They originated in England when cars became the fashionable thing to play in and there were still servants in kitchens. OK, I’m not sure about the servants thing but I CAN say that these little gems are tasty and take a fairly concentrated effort to produce. Essentially you bake a small loaf of bread, cut the center out leaving the outside 1″ as a “frame” and then cut the middle into slices. You make tiny little sandwiches with the slices (I made an egg salad, a lox, and two ham sandwiches with each loaf) and then wrap each individual sandwich in parchment paper! See what I mean about work!! You then put the wrapped sandwiches BACK INTO the “frame”, wrap and trasport. I think the ones I made last year photographed better. It might be because I didn’t take many pictures this year : )

You can see my last years post here.

Last year, while getting dressed, we met an amazing lady. She had just been diagnosed with metastatic cancer in her bones and her boyfriend of many years had left her. She was in good spirits, upbeat and happy and willing to take on whatever life threw her way. She was there this year!! I didn’t get to talk to her, she was always busy chatting and catching up with people, but the same wonderful smile was there and she looked good. I’ve thought about her often in the last year,  I hope she’s doing as well on the inside as she looks on the out.

Plaid and puppies

The Facts
: 3 yards cotton plaid from Stone Mountain & Daughter
Pattern: Butterick 5898
Year: 1930′s
Notions: One zipper, interfacing for hat, bakelite belt buckle all from stash
Time to complete:  5 hours
First worn: September 2012
Wear again? This fall
Total Cost:
  ~$18.00 I think

I’ve owned this pattern for at least 25 years, I even remember buying it at L’acis when my daughter was 2 and Kaethe Kliot, the owner and lace expert, would give my daughter little toys to play with while I shopped. I’ve made all the versions at some point or another and what drew me to this was that collar, the one with the buttons. I had originally planned to use this for the collar challenge (wouldn’t it have been perfect?!) but plans changed and I’m very happy they did. Check out my inspiration:



Isn’t she adorable?

This amazing lady is Heidi Rosenau, a dancer who has the best vintage clothes collection!
You can see the full story here.

This was number 13 of 13 different outfits she put together, if you want to see all 13 you can find them here.

The key was the fabric and I was fortunate enough to find a few yards of a white plaid. I used a red cotton gabardine for the collar, I wanted something with body that didn’t necessarily need to be interfaced AND it needed to be sturdy enough for the hat. That hat takes the whole dress from cute to fabulous : )

The pattern is easy – took about 45 minutes to cut out the four silly pieces needed (front, back, sleeves and bow) because I needed to make sure the plaids matched. Stuart had to help hold the pieces down but his timing for letting me move onto the next step needs some work. There are 10 darts in total and I may add another set in front to help fit the bust-waist-hip a little better. It *should* have taken me about 2 1/2 hours to make this dress from beginning to end but I had at least 3 other projects going at once so everything took twice as long since I didn’t have a consistent train of thought going. That in itself was fine, but when I came to draping the collar and tacking it down I just didn’t like how it turned out. I don’t think the bow ends are long enough and I actually lengthened them a bit! I tried different loops, knots and buckles and finally settled on a fairly large yellow bakelite buckle to hold everything in place. I think it took a little over an hour to get that right and then the buttons shown on the pattern seemed superfluous.

When it came time to get dressed the belt and buckle I originally chose looked awful. I tried a couple other red belts and my daughter and I both agreed that the wider elastic didn’t completely suck. We headed to our local park to do photos but it was so hot we’d take three or four and go pant in the shade.

So here I am, wearing hose and brushed cotton (almost flannel) in 98 degree heat : ) I think in another month or two the dress will be great but today…not so much. I’m also going to make a simple belt using the same red fabric as the collar and hat, and I may go so far as to try a red pocket like my inspirational girl. I did notice that the plaids don’t match up at her side seams : )

One of the things I’m working on with great speed and with brain-power-sucking detail is our whole set-up for the Gatsby picnic next week. It is going to be SO CUTE, stay tuned!!!!

Coming up next:

I’ll post a quick tutorial on how I did the hat. I’ve been (temporarily) removed from my sewing room –

This is Chloe and she has eight babies : ) We’re fostering the whole family until the babies are weaned, then the rescue that “rescued” them will send them in pairs to other foster families to teach them some manners and socialize them. We will keep mom, take her to classes and give her a home and love until she is adopted. We only know part of her story right now – that she was stolen from her family three years ago and they now have 3 dogs and don’t want her back. I don’t know what happened to her in the meantime, how she was found etc. But she is a VERY sweet girl and a good mama so we’ll give her everything she needs until she finds her forever home.

And in the meantime that means I give up my sewing room : )

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My Prydain coat!

Look who made the top 5 featured!

This weeks challenge at Sew Weekly was to do something using inspiration from a book or story we read as a child. Below is the post I did, along with construction details and a couple extra pics at the end : )

The Facts

Fabric: A whole pile of sweaters from Salvation Army
Pattern: Katwise coat pattern
Year: Current
Notions: Not a one!
Time to complete:  11 hours?
First worn: August 2012
Wear again? Yes !!!
Total Cost:
Pattern $9.00 Sweaters – didn’t keep track. Around 14 sweaters, a couple were free, some were $3 each, some less…best guess would be around $30.00 or so.

Originally I didn’t even consider the Prydain series by Llyod Alexander although that was one of THE most influential sets of books I read as a kid. A close family friend was very into kids books so I had a steady supply of the best of the best. I was a voracious reader, I’d read anything in front of me even at an early age I remember reading Life magazine and the newspaper just because they were there…doesn’t mean I always understood what I read but I read : ) And if it had won a Caldecott or Newberry award we owned it thanks to Jerry. There were LOTS of books that I remember, most of which I still own like “Harriet the Spy”, “Are you there God? It’s me Margaret”, “Caddie Woodlawn”, most everything by Roald Dahl and the Oz books (my dad owns ALL 80 some-odd of them!). Of course there was also my beloved Judy Bolton mystery series but I already channeled her in the button challenge.

So what to choose? Harriet and Margaret wore red hoodies and jeans and t-shirts respectively. Blah. I briefly considered making a Professor Diggins outfit from “Professor Diggins Dragons” but that was striped pants and a blue suit coat and that seemed only slightly more exciting than a red hoodie. I kept coming back to the works by Lloyd Alexander – he not only wrote the Prydain series but also “The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian” and was a regular contributor to the children’s periodical “Cricket”. I immersed myself in his written world of the land of Prydain (most likely Wales) in the Dark Ages. Gwydion, Taran, Fflewddur Fflam, Gurgi and Princess Eilonwy became my second family. Keep in mind that this was 1969, YEARS before Harry Potter, this was my equivalent. I wanted to be like Eilonwy and at one point I convinced my mother to make me a “princess dress” (in pink and white since princesses wear pink…right? What princess, in her right mind, who tromps about the kingdom fighting evil wears PINK??) but she was HORRIFIED at my desire for a pair of “waffle stompers” to complete the outfit (hiking boots!). She MADE me wear patent leather shoes and as far as I know ONE picture exists of me in my outfit, on a slide that is in a box somewhere in a closet and if I have any say in the matter it will never ever see the light of day again…ever…

So what would my 10-year-old self LOVED to have worn back then? I may be a girl but I’m a fairly tough girl so I’d want something pretty but ultra cool and not fussy. At a small get-together at Sue’s a couple months ago Barbara said to me “Have you heard of Katwise?” No….. “Oh, you should check her etsy store out. She does really cool stuff with old sweaters”. So I came home, typed in “Katwise” and as the images scrolled across my screen I fell in love : ) I decided to buy her “pattern” just because she is SO COOL and I wanted to see how she works her particular form of magic. Her “pattern” is a 71 page document that made me smile from one end to the other. When she puts items up for sale on her etsy store, about once a month, the 50 or so items sell out in 12 minutes. THIS is what my younger self would have DROOOLED over because my older self is smiling from ear to ear : )

And that’s what I did. I made an Elf Coat.

I’ve tried to make note of how long each step took in case anyone else wants to try this. It took me about 40 minutes to find the sweaters, I may have lucked out, and then I spent the next 4 hours washing and drying everything! When Kat says she strongly recommends using wool she’s not kidding. She says things like cashmere can be fine, cotton isn’t bad, silk maybe and never, never EVER use Acrylic. LISTEN to the woman for she is wise : )

Most of my sweaters are wool. There are a few cashmere and a couple cotton thrown in because I liked the stripes or the color (red). All are prewashed and thrown into the dryer for two reasons. First, washing and drying felt the wool, which makes it nicely stuck together. Second, unless you’re single and living alone, at some point someone else may grab your clothing to wash trying to be “helpful” so you might as well shrink that crap out of everything now. I washed everything together and it all came out GREAT! The base of the coat, the “top”, is a felted Merino wool sweater with a designer label. I cut up Ralph Lauren sweaters, Banana Republic, Valentino, Dana Buchman, Calvin Klein…

Everything was overlocked together, no machine sewing at all! The skirt panels are made from the sleeves, the bottom bands took 2 sweaters each for the black and grey and one enormous men’s sweater for the red band. There are 31 skirt panels, because I followed her instructions to the letter! Next time I make one of these, and there WILL be a next time, I’ll cut that down to about 25 or so.

And I have a pixie hood : )

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It’s a *little* longer than I originally planned because I decided I liked that long striped panel. I REALLY wanted to make some Kazz pompoms, one for the bottom of the hood and another few to do a headpiece but I had no yarn of the right color : (

It took about 2 hours to cut everything out and another 2 hours to overlock the skirt pieces together. I giggled the whole time. The top took a whopping 10 minutes to cut and add the striped button panel. At the time I thought I was being clever but it’s really one of the few elements I’m not crazy about. It looks like some yuppie sweater trying to escape. Meh. In the future I’ll do a couple things different with the waistband that the skirt attaches to. First, I’ll underline it in canvas. It’s carrying a lot of weight and needs reinforcement. Second, I’ll make it smaller, and not add as many panels to the skirt to cut down on the weight. Third, I’ll add ties to the back so I can cinch it in. It “grew” to be about 6″ too big. And the red cashmere sweater that I so carefully saved to be the base of a red/orange sun coat? I’ll use it for skirt panels. It just wont be strong enough to hold the skirt. I also want pockets. I’m going to add a pixie pocket this week but next time I’ll insert pockets in the skirt as I sew the panels together.

The skirt does swirl well –

I really wanted to put together a gif with showing the swirls but didn’t have time. My daughter did do a short instagram video that, when she’s back from canoeing, I’ll see if I can post on my blog. As long as I don’t look like a dork I’m happy to share.

We took a little trip into the Berkeley hills for the photos this week. I wanted foggy/woodsy/magic and we got it, although my daughter had a brush with poison oak a few weeks ago so anytime we saw it she’d jump back like it was a striking snake : ) The misty quality to this pic is real fog –

Some of the flora around this log is poison oak, the really pretty red leaves : ) My daughter was horrified I went down there but gamely took pics! I just wanted to play in the trees…

I found a better tree to climb. And you’ll notice that I’m once again wearing the red and black patent leather Doc Martins. I finally got my boots : )

Now I can be Princess Eilonwy with my kick-butt cape/jacket. Here is one of my prized possessions:

Jerry got my copy of “The Marvelous Misadventures of Sebastian” autographed by the King himself : )

IF I took out the “cat factor” I could have cut several hours from this project time!

STUART decided that what I was doing was THE MOST FASCINATING THING EVER.

This is him sitting on the pattern as I’m trying to cut the skirt panels out.

And here he is sleeping in the box of sweater I didn’t use that will be stored.

And this is him curled up with his favorite grey cashmere sweater! I ended up unable to use that sweater in the coat since he WOULDN’T MOVE! I figured he could sleep on it an hour or so, that he’d eventually wake up and wander off but no…he slept on that thing for SIX hours! Why didn’t I move him? Does the phrase “Let sleeping cats lie” ring a bell?

No? Move a sleeping cat, a cranky sleeping cat. Go ahead. I’ll wait.

How’d that work for you?

It was easier to let him sleep : ) I don’t think the coat suffered for it and I ‘ve got a grey cashmere sweater for another project!

When you’re hiking around the hills like we were you are bound to see some native fauna. This slug was about 8″ long and spotted like a leopard. I’m not a big fan of slugs but this one was kinda cool.

The Gatsby picnic is coming up! Plans are being made for one fabulous day : ) Next up is the Back to School Plaid challenge and I’ve got one cute pic for inspiration.

The collar challenge

The Facts

Fabric: Vintage-inspired cotton print cotton from stash
Pattern: Decades of Style #4005
Year: 1940′s inspired
Notions: A zipper for now
Time to complete: 2 hours
First worn: August 2012
Wear again? Yes
Total Cost:
Pattern $16.60

The supplement helps rebuild skin tissues as well as blood vessels in pubic and penile region begin rejuvenating and regain their normal size. commander levitra hop over to this site The findings, from an analysis of data gathered in the first Gallup World Poll, appear in July 2010 in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. viagra 50mg Love needs time, you best levitra price need to treat each other sincerely, love needs rapid exchange of feelings. Just keep certain things in cheap cialis soft mind such as a proper guidance is required in such cases. After this last week I’m just proud I finished. On top of all that I took a day off work to go to the memorial for my fellow costume designer friend for whom I made the black skirt in the reality challenge. I love that outfit and it was perfect for the day : ) I decided that because I’ve been able to use stuff from my stash for the last few challenges that I would treat myself to a pattern I’ve coveted for a while, The 1940′s Girl Friday blouse by Decades of Style. What a PERFECT pattern for this challenge with that triple layered collar!

This blouse is really my “muslin”. I bought the fabric last year just because I loved it but I also saw that Stone Mountain still had some so if I screwed this up I could replace it. Just so I wouldn’t make myself crazy, and because my machine needs a spa day, I didn’t do the rows and rows of top stitching. I will in the future, I may even make a white blouse with red top stitching like the pattern shows. I will NOT, unless I take complete leave of my senses, do the top stitching by HAND as suggested in the pattern instructions.

The collar is stunning, no doubt about it. And this pattern is much easier than you might think! There are NO BUTTONS, the pattern asks that you place a zipper down the left side, which I did, and then when I went to put it on for pics I pulled the thing on like a t-shirt and completely forgot about the zipper! Pass the Mena zip test? Check! It will be coming out soon : ) I ended up wearing this outfit all afternoon, to the birthday party for my twin friends, and many of the adults were very complimentary, even liked my Rosie the Riveter jeans.

My daughter and I went to my girlfriends house for a girls sewing party Sunday morning. Sue’s back yard is not only an amazing suburban farm but she has an entire Tiki area complete with torches, lanai, pond and statuary. After almost 2 weeks of 100 degrees everyday we were a little tired but being back there is like a mini-vacation.

We were working on our Farm Girl aprons –

We have polka dots, we have cherries and we have smiles. Good way to spend the end of the week : )

I want to share a wonderful idea – at Barbara’s memorial her daughter made these amazing origami “dresses” instead of the usual program:

It is perfect. It captures her spirit and style. Hug your kids, tell your friends and family how much they mean to you everyday. Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.

Today, at least, is good : )

Details and daring

As promised…

As promised in my current Sew Weekly post these are the details of the jacket I’m wearing. The theme this week was “Music” and since I already channeled Elton John (my favorite) this year it was decided to now try Gwen Stefani, my daughter’s favorite. This is the outift:

I call the top “Frankentop” since it’s got more pieces than a bucket of chicken. I made *almost* every newbie mistake with this but in the end I’ll actually wear it. The tunnel that Angie took me to was a little seedy so the boots were the PERFECT attire for the day! Patent leather steel-toed Doc Martins, they are seriously rad : )

This is the outfit with the jacket:

The jacket was MELTING and shedding! I used Ultra Leather, brought to us by the same folks who make Ultra Suede (I’m too tired to find the TM character so just insert it here). Ultra Suede is, in essence, fancy felt. I have no idea what Ultra Leather is except a very expensive form of pleather. But it sucks, I don’t know if it’s still made but it has a definite shelf life. I have at least half a dozen pieces of Ultra Suede I bought many, many years ago, and they are fine.

The first pic above shows the shoulder details – the epaulets, the way the sleeves are attached with blanket pins instead of traditional lacing like they did in the Renaissance. This was a piece I built for a show called “Rock n’ Roll Twelfth Night” and it was a dreadful show. Awful. The only show that I can think of off the top of my head that was worse was the modern version of “Hamlet” the same director attempted. Horrible. And he wanted each character in the rock version of “Twelfth Night” to be a mix of modern and period clothing. There was a band that provided live music that we dressed like the Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club band. There was a Janis Joplin-ish character, a KISS-inspired character…it makes my stomach hurt to think about it. Oh, and the lead female (Viola?) we dressed like Madonna, and not the religious icon. Ugh… I have pictures somewhere…

The jacket was worn by the character channeling Johnny Rotten from the Sex Pistols. It’s lined with red satin, zips up the front and I used more zippers for piping/trim.

All those grey areas are where the top layer of the “leather” has worn/melted off. If it were real leather it would just be aging but it’s not. And because the day was so warm it was pulling apart faster and left a big black smear on my neck! I like the basic design of the jacket so I’ll make another. My original idea was to make a plaid patchwork jacket like the one Tom wore on the bands “Good Morning America” visit a few weeks ago.

I decided to try that trend of installing a zipper on the outside, a rather industrial way of doing things. It works for this but I’m not a big fan of exposed zippers. Fun to try, will be popular for about 12 minutes and then in a few months you’ll start hearing “Oh, that was soooo 2012”.

This is my version of the “Tragic Kingdom” cover : ) We hiked the skirt to mimic the red dress Gwen originally wore. I made a version of that dress for my daughter. I also made her the yellow patent pants that Gwen wore on one tour (those were a disaster – I told my daughter that that fabric would stick to itself between her legs…and she didn’t believe me. It did exactly what I predicted and there was a melt down. I just asked her if she still had them 10 years later and she said she finally sold them on ebay!), an Indian-inspired outfit Gwen wore to an awards show and the famous Grammy dress:

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I think I used 60 yards of red sequin trim to make those swirls on red netting, and there are a couple layers. It is a beautiful dress but as she put it on for the prom the zipper BROKE so I had to sew her in for the evening. The guy who took her was an idiot (most polite word I can think of right now) who left her at the dance to go off with another girl! She didn’t care one way or the other, she was just glad to wear the dress for an evening : )

As promised, here is my “Oh My Goodness” shot –

WAY too much boobage, and you can see my bra, but considering I just turned 50-something it’s not bad : ) Nothing about this is photoshopped but I might use it as a project to learn how to fill IN! My thanks to Angie for doing photography duty this time. We always have fun together and I wouldn’t have attempted doing this shot with my daughter behind the lens.

This shot is just because…

Ashton sleeping : )

Saturday was Ashton Miller’s birthday, the young lady who died about the same time the kitty was born and abandoned by his mom. I named the kitty after the amazing young woman we lost that day. She would have been 24, just a few years younger than my own daughter. She shared a special connection with Ariel with a mutual love of Harry Potter and the same rare cancer. Ariel and Elora turned 14 today. I wasn’t sure on Tuesday if Ari would be around today, at least around enough to enjoy the day but she is here and aware and seemed to have an amazing day.

Miss Ariel : )

Miss Elora : )

What a week…I’m just glad we’re all happy and doing the best we can at this moment.

A tough day/week/month

This was “supposed” to be the post where I posted the bulk of my Sew Weekly challenge, along with an extra pic or two of Gwen goodness : ) I even dug through BOXES of photos in a vain attempt looking for pics of my daughter in one of the many of the Gwen looks I created for her through the years.

Here’s the deal: part way through the last box I just started to cry. The reason I made so many goofs with this weeks dress was not from the usual issues – tired, over worked, fill in the blank of what makes you forgetful. Nope, this is different.

If any of you read my Retro Deco Settings blog you might have seen the July 31 post last year, Harry Potter/J.K. Rowling birthday post, or the last post I did celebrating my daughter’s win at the Marin County Fair for her pic of Elora at St. Baldrick’s. These have a common theme – Ariel & Elora. They are twins, their 14th birthday is this Sunday. Ariel is in the hospital, trying to heal from her second brain surgery in the last month. Ari has cancer, a very rare and aggressive form of cancer called Rhabdomyosarcoma. (I’ve typed that so many times now it just trips off the end of my fingers.) Only 350 cases are diagnosed in this country every year so that’s rare.

When we did the first set of pics for the Harry Potter tablesetting Ari was still recovering from major brain surgery, if you look carefully you can see a lack of hair and a pale smile. She was a trooper that day, managed to stay upright and smile. She was working hard recovering and we had every hope that she’d survive the relapse she was diagnosed with in February. A few months later the cancer came back, for the third time, with a vengeance

A few weeks ago she suddenly grabbed her head and started screaming that the pain was so bad she couldn’t function, couldn’t stop screaming. Her mom called 911 and when the ambulance crew arrived they just scooped her up and ran. They were able to get her stable and ran her into “her” hospital, Children’s Hospital in Oakland, the site of the St. Baldrick’s fundraisers and where Brittany took the pictures of Elora as she shaved her head to show support for her sister and her battle.

Ari was stabilized, but a few days later the pain became unbearable again and she seized. Scans showed she had bleeding in her brain so a quick surgery was done and  they pulled 9cc of blood out. She seemed on the upswing and then a resident, not knowing Crystal hadn’t seem the final pathology report, mentioned “three” tumors in Ari’s brain when they had only known about one. On top of that Ari’s ENTIRE oncology team was out of town. Crystal, who is seriously one of the smartest women you’ll ever meet, started calling the shots and making lists. By the time the team had returned Ari was starting to bleed and seize again so another major surgery was done and 2 of the tumors removed.

I had visited them on Monday, the day after they found out about the two other tumors and three days before this last surgery. Crystal asked me to help Ari design her “most perfect” Merida dress, the female heroine from “Brave”. I promised, and immediately went to the fabric store and bought a pile of dark green stretch velvet to make her a cape. I could do that without her knowing and make it soft, so if she wanted to wear it in the hospital she could cuddle in it and use it like a blanket. While I pieced together the Frankentop for my Gwen dress, I was juggling making the cape. When she went into surgery Thursday night all I could do was cry, which is why I screwed up cutting the darn plaid thing out! She wasn’t very stable after surgery, she had many small oozing bleeds. I wondered if I’d be able to get the cape to her in time.

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By Saturday she was starting to turn a corner, so I finished up the cape and prayed. I also finished the Gwen dress but honestly, the whole thing was an emotional nightmare. I do NOT recommend sewing and crying! Ari was on so many drugs for pain and infection that she was hallucinating, screaming and generally not on this planet. When my husband was in the worst of his cancer journey he was barely functional, he’s missing about 6 months of his life in his memory banks. It was awful but it wasn’t my child so I had some distance, it was a nightmare I could walk away from because there was only so much I could do, the rest was entirely up to him. It wasn’t my CHILD.

I decided that, no matter what, I would drop the cape off Monday after work. I hopped off BART and when I got to the ICU Ari was AWAKE and lucid! She was peeling the sticky stuff off her arm from the tapes that held her lines in while she struggled, she knew who I was and most importantly, she knew what I had brought her! Once again I promised her that I’d be at her party on August 19 and we’d design her perfect Merida dress. As we talked the nurses bustled into the room, they were transferring her out of ICU and back up to the Oncology floor, which may sound like a “bad” thing but it’s really very, very good : )

Today is Thursday, we were hoping that Crystal and Ari would be going home to Elora, their older bother Ian and Jason, the dad. Not so. Ari has multiple “micro bleeds” and all they want to do is keep her pain controlled. They are scheduling another scan tomorrow but her options are running out. We were “hoping” to continue to the “next” thing – first get to their 14th birthday, then to the first day of school, Halloween… Now we’re just holding our breath for Sunday.

So for the moment, I’m in tears, my chest hurts and my friends are going through one of the worst things imaginable. I had finished a corset earlier this year in a Sew Weekly challenge and called it “Ariel” after my little friend. There is an “Elora” to go with it, it’s still in pieces in a bag : ) The hope was the girls could wear them in a year or two as my models. Now all we want is Ari to see her birthday.

Here’s hoping the scans are stable, that Ari gets good pain relief and there is a party this Sunday. If you want to read about her and her journey you can go here.

I’ll get back to the regular sewing stuff in a day or two : )