Fabric: Cotton from stash (bought at Stone Mountain Daughter last year)
Pattern: Marian Martin 9149
Year: Late 40′s, early 50′s?
Notions: 3 buttons from stash, zipper
Time to complete: 3 hours + 2 hour trip to Stone Mountain for an extra half yard of fabric so 5 hours total!
First worn: January 2012
Wear again? Yes
Total Cost: ~$4.50
I’ve used this pattern countless times and have always loved the simple grace in the cut of this dress. It doesn’t take a ton of fabric, and the pattern isn’t printed, its one of the early “circle punched” ones which makes me think more late 40′s than 50′s.
At the end of last summer I was fabric shopping with a friend and found this fabulous cotton print. I don’t normally buy fabric (any more!) without a specific purpose in mind but this was so striking that I just *had* to get it. She even said to me “If you don’t get it then you’ll have the perfect occasion to wear something made out of this, come back to get it and kick yourself forever because it’ll be GONE.” How can you argue with logic like that? Clearly I couldn’t so I bought 3 yards, put it in my closet and promptly forgot about it.
When I saw the “opposite season to you” theme I knew I wanted a dress and as I opened up my sewing room closet this piece of fabric, literally unheard from and unseen for months, plopped on my head! I think there was a cat involved but it seemed like a message…and who am I to ignore such things? All I needed was the right pattern…
Can she make a cherry pie?
VOILA! Perfect fabric, favorite pattern and some red accessories. If only it ended there…
Because I bought the fabric with no pattern in mind I didn’t really have enough. Had I thought about it some (or even at all!) I *could* have shortened the skirt a few inches and managed to get the collar and cuffs out. As it was, I put my mind onto auto-pilot, a habit of old, and cut blithely. Ooops…only one side of the collar and no cuffs…I briefly considered asking my Mom to run into Berkeley for me since I can’t get there during the week but I knew if she couldn’t find the fabric in about 40 seconds she’d just say they were out. So I waited until the weekend and made the special trip in. Now to be fair, this is a fast and easy dress to put together. And Stone Mountain Daughter really is only 20 minutes door to door (as long as the tunnel is clear) and it really is a pretty nifty fabric store so what’s the problem? The problem is the hour later and extra $70 spent on goodies for many future projects : )
In the end I LOVE this dress! It’s soft, it’s fun and feminine but makes me feel more like the fancy farm girl I want to be. I live in a small farmhouse that was built in 1925 and this just makes me feel at home.
My red suede Mary Jane’s
Every farm girl needs red shoes, right? You can also see the vintage-inspired fabric, right down to the cherries!
Red accessories!
I thought maybe wearing my cherry necklace two weeks in a row might be a little much so I settled for bakelite buttons and bracelets today! There is a cherry pie in that vintage tin – want to join me?